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Is yoga wheel good and what are the benefits of yoga wheel?
Flowing in yoga practice invigorates both body and mind, leaving an irrevocable feeling of deep focus. For the ultimate yoga experience, a famous US yoga instructor created a prop that is sure to strengthen your yoga practice, whether you are a novice or a well-trained yogi. Ever since its launch, the yoga wheel has been catching on across the world.
What size are yoga wheels and how much weight can a yoga wheel hold??
The roller comes in small, medium and large size, and is known to withstand up to 500 pounds. While the small wheel is used to massage target areas, medium works better in toning exercises, and the widest wheels are perfect for boosting balance. With a weight of only 4 pounds, it is a very convenient prop to carry around hopping from one studio to another.
Do yoga wheel help back pain?
Users have found it not only aesthetically appealing but also highly beneficial for improving postures and relieving back-pain issues. Resting on the yoga wheel while massaging the back was proven to release the pressure off the spine, improving the posture.
Yoga wheels for back pain are the perfect yoga accessory. With yoga wheel, yoga practitioners can open up their chests and improve flexibility in their backbend poses. Not only does this assist in reducing and relieving back pain, but it also helps to strengthen and increase flexibility in other postures. A yoga wheel serves as a support to maintain balance while stretching certain muscle groups that would be hard to achieve without the wheel. Not only will yoga wheel help build and tone your core muscles, but it also helps create deeper engagement when you practice yoga and encourages relaxation in order to obtain a greater range of motion compared to regular yoga practice. Moreover, yoga wheels are great for any yoga student looking for an invigorating way to enhance their physical exercise routine and progress further in their yoga journey.
What is a yoga wheel used for?
The yoga wheel comes in gorgeous materials and designs, that were made to help you get deeper into the asanas more quickly and safely.
12Postures & exercises for your reference:

1.Wheel Assisted Standing one leg beginner
2. Wheel Assisted Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana II)
3. Wheel Assisted Plow pose (Halasana)
4. Wheel Assisted Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana)
5. Wheel Assisted Headstand (Sirsasana)
6. Wheel Assisted Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)
7. Wheel Assisted Advanced Crescent Pose (Anjaneyasana)
8. Wheel Assisted Bridge on the Head (Setu Bandha Sirsasana)
9. Wheel Assisted Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
10. Wheel Assisted Toe Stand (Padangusthasana)
11. Wheel Assisted Garland Pose (Malasana)
12. Wheel Assisted Standing One Leg Advanced (Utthita Eka Padasana)